Saturday, March 14, 2020

Mountain Done

Several years back there was a pretty famous lawsuit involving a claim by a soda enthusiast that a mouse was found in his can of Mountain Dew.  The idea of a drowned rodent floating in what was once a refreshing beverage was enough to get headlines on its own but what really got people's attention was Pespi's (the creator of Mountain Dew) "defense."

Their expert testified that the amount of time a can of the Dew spends between going from the factory to the shelf was more than enough to completely dissolve the mouse's flesh.  So essentially they said that the guy couldn't have found a mouse because in the three weeks the little guy would have spent in the can, the bubbly brew would disintegrate it.

This full disclosure of innard tickling really struck a chord with me.  So like any normal person I bought a frozen rat from the pet store and soaked it in a jar of Mountain Dew for several weeks.  Then I made a video about it.  Enjoy! (WARNING: it gets gross)

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